The Definition of Beauty
The common definition of beauty is to show the character of a person, place, an animal, idea or an object to give the true feeling of satisfaction or experience after interacting with the subject the object. The aspects of beauty vary from person to person and usually depend on the preferences of individuals. An item or individual may be considered beautiful by one person, but may not be viewed in a similar capacity by someone else (Scarry 47). The reason for this is the existing differences in the preferences of people. The judgment that is likely to be passed by people about the essence of beauty of a given subject mainly depends on the particular feature that they desire to get or see. As such, the admiration as a result of beauty has its source in the object or individual meeting all the expectations of the person passing the judgment. The level of beauty is determined based on the criteria that have been met in relation to the standards used for comparison. This paper intends to give a detailed explanation of beauty to identify its inner and physical attributes.
Inner Beauty
Inner beauty entails the inward attributes that an individual possesses. These are the ideal characteristics that show the personality of people by defining who they are, the things they love, and those that they hate. They also highlight the company they would wish to keep. The character of an individual may be determined based on the relationships that they establish and the people that they associate with. The components of inner beauty has an important role to play in this perspective. The major element of inner beauty features as the principle of self-respect shown by an individual. With the virtue of self-respect, the person would be in a position to set personal standards that are used in going after achievements. Based on the limits outlined, the person tries to develop objectives that considers the standards. Consistency would thus be noticed through the move to stick with the personal goals. They are not compromised and never intend to settle for any goals less than the ones initially outlined.
Inner beauty is characterized by the generosity and kindness shown by an individual. Such traits are not taught but form part of the main beliefs of a person. Depending on the context in which the individual was brought up as a child, such traits are acquired over time from the learning experiences, and the examples observed in the role models or the people playing the guiding role. With generosity and kindness, it is certain that the person will be regarded as beautiful as result of the sacrifices they are always willing to make for others.
The genuine nature of people qualifies them to possess inner beauty. Such people stay true to their personality, leading an ordinary life that is consistent with their personal beliefs. They never attempt to copy the lifestyles of others or try to be someone they are not. They are reasonable regarding the expectations and goals set for others especially when in leadership positions. The objectives that they set for the people they lead are usually reasonable and humane in nature. All the strategies used at the workplace as well as the policies put in place apply even to them. These are the ultimate leaders who seek the opinion of the employees before making certain important decisions.
The passion, honesty, and intelligence of an individual are also vital in determining the essence of inner beauty. These people show passion about what they do and the groups they are part of. They look to be a major part of a solution to the challenges that arise, rather than blaming others. Intelligence in them is seen as the sense of reason and justice that they stand for. All the dealings that they want to be part are always honest. Such people are usually successful because the methods used in pursuing their personal objectives have been tried and tested. There is consistency in the decision-making approaches used as well as the business that they embark on.
Physical Beauty
Physical beauty is the extent to which the physical features of an individual are regarded to be beautiful or appealing. Frequently, physical beauty may be used to refer to sexual attractiveness among the people of the opposite sex. The appearance of an individual may be natural or involves artificial makeup and modifications. Depending on the particular trends needed in specific environments, the appearance of people, women, in particular, is likely to be changed to match the expectations. The elements of modeling may involve the changes made to the shape of the face, the dressing and the general grooming. The intention is to meet the standards that have been set. In this perspective, the beauty of people will be determined based on the set standards as well as the expectations of the events that they prepared for.
Some people may view physical beauty as the shape of the body of an individual. The most common point of reference is usually the face. It is common that the shape of various parts of the body, especially in the facial area would be used in reaching a conclusion whether one is beautiful or not. However, all these are still dependent on personal judgment as a result of the tendencies of the opinions of people to differ. The preferences and tastes of people always vary. Therefore, making the decision that someone is beautiful may not result in the same opinion being shared by someone else.
Physical beauty may have external influence from the cultural practices in a community. Some cultures control the dress code as well as other makeups. Sticking to these standards effectively mean that the people would be considered beautiful. Such norms are meant to give a sense of identity and consistency in the protecting cultural beliefs. Physical attractiveness could be used to pass a message about the beliefs that a given group identifies with. Some people (women mainly) get confidence from the appearance they portray on the outwards. The self-image is taken as the physical presentation of the attire. There are societies in which seriousness is gauged using the clothes worn. The attractiveness would thus be judged depending on the preferences and beliefs of particular individuals or groups.
In conclusion, physical beauty never has a standard but depends on the person or group passing judgment. There is not common point of reference used in determining physical beauty, unless in the cases where there are specific beliefs outlined in a society and the people attached to it expected to honor the set standards. Inner beauty, however, holds more importance because it determines the personality of individuals. Personal attributes are more important than physical appearance. The grooming of an individual tends to outshine the physical appearance, especially in the attire. Physical beauty may not be well developed, but as long as the person has a strong personality due to the inner beauty, there would be more value attached to them than the people more physically beautiful and presentable.